
List of WordPress theme marketplaces

Looking for a killer WordPress theme for your blog or website? You can find it here in this list of the best WordPress theme marketplaces today.


Despite the abundance of WordPress themes out there, I still have a hard time picking WP themes to use on my websites. There are a lot of good theme developers out there. But I personally think it’s too troublesome to go to their respective websites to check out their theme offerings.

I think the easiest way to find a good theme is to go to WordPress theme marketplaces. These marketplace sites are websites that function as WordPress theme selling platforms for theme developers.

Here are some of the WP theme marketplace websites that I know of (some of which I have already used to purchase WordPress themes):

  1. themeforest.net
  2. mojothemes.com
  3. woothemes.com
  4. themegarden.com
  5. wonderthemes.com
  6. fresherimage.com
  7. templatemonster.com
  8. mojomarketplace.com

If you know of any other good ones, please let me know by leaving a comment below and I will add them to this list of theme marketplaces.

  1. b.nijhoff 13 years ago

    Thanks for sharing these great marketplaces for themes. I am looking for a good theme for my own site. Thanks for sharing!

  2. metahead 13 years ago

    Thanks, Dhara. I just switched from IntenseDebate to livefyre. I have no regrets so far (and I hope I won’t have any). Keep up the great work!

  3. Dhara Mistry 13 years ago

    Thanks for sharing these. One of my friend has been looking for templates for her new restaurent website. Will pass on this to her 🙂

    Welcome to the Livefyre community. We have pumped to have you here! If you you have any questions, feel free to give us a shout!

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